Rhode Island State Police Challenge Coins – Back The Blue In Rhode Island

Rhode Island (officially called the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations) is a constituent state located in New England, United States. On May 29, 1790, Roth Island joined the union of the United States. It was the 13th state of the 13 original founding states. Rhode Island is the smallest state in the United States in terms of area, with a total land area of 1,212 square miles. It ranks 7th least populated state, with a total population of 1,059,361 roughly. However, it is also recognized as the second-most densely populated state of the 50 states.

"The Ocean State" and "Little Rhody" are the official nicknames of the Rhode Island State. The state has just a one-worded motto, which is "Hope." The Providence city, which is also called "the Creative Capital," is the capital and the largest city of the Rhode Island State. The key economic industries of Rhode Island include health care services, tourism, advanced manufacturing, advanced business services, machinery, defense shipbuilding, maritime products, agriculture, financial services, dairy products, greenhouse and nursery products, cyber and data analytics, transportation, mining of natural resources, forestry, fishing, and education. 

Fun Facts about Rhode Island State

Here are some fun facts about Rhode Island State.

  • The first national championship of the lawn tennis tournament in the United States was held in Newport Casino, Newport, Rhode Island.
  • In 1876, Rhode Island State hosted the first polo game in the United States.
  • In 1774, Rhode Island State was home to the first modern circus performance in the US.
  • The first open golf tournament in the United States took place in Newport, Rhode Island.
  • The flying horse carousel in Watch Hill, Rhode Island, is the officially approved oldest carousel.
  • "Ann and Hope" is the first-ever discount department store listed in the United States. The store was founded in Rhode Island State.
  • The white horse tavern in Newport, Rhode Island, is recorded as the oldest tavern construction in the United States of America.
  • The founder of the Rhode Island State was also the founder of America's first Baptist Church.
  • The Redwood Library and Athenaeum in Newport, Rhode Island, is acknowledged as the oldest community library building.
  • "Stiletto" was the first wooden torpedo boat in the United States. It was built and launched in Bristol, Rhode Island.
  • The Country's first Gas-illuminated streetlights were introduced in the Newport, Rhode Island.
  • Violet is the official flower, and coffee milk is the official beverage of the Rhode Island State.

Rhode Island police challenge coins

Rhode Island Peace Force Role in Public Safety

Rhode Island has different law enforcement agencies working at different levels, such as State, City, Tribal, and Towns. The primary responsibility of these peace agencies is to ensure public safety, peace enforcement, and protection of citizens' constitutional rights. These peace enforcement agencies collaborate with local communities to reduce criminal activity across the state. The local communities also get help from these agencies when there is a need for additional security. To highlight the critical role of Rhode Island's law enforcement agencies in maintaining peace and protecting local communities, many awards and medal honors are given to the officers. Most popular medals include police challenge coins that are given to commemorate the outstanding work performed by the police officers, county sheriffs, and deputies.

Rhode Island Law Enforcement Agencies

Forty-eight (48) law enforcement agencies are faithfully serving in Rhode Island State. These law enforcement agencies are operating with almost 2,828 committed and well-trained police officers.

Rhode Island State Police/Trooper Agencies

Bountiful state law enforcement agencies are operating in Rhode Island State. A few of the highly recognized include Rhode Island State Police, Rhode Island State Sheriff,  Rhode Island Department of Corrections, Rhode Island Capitol Police, Rhode Island State Fire Marshal's Office (Investigators and Bomb Technicians.

Rhode Island City Peace Enforcement Agencies

Some of the notable city law enforcement agencies are consist of Central Falls Police Department, Cranston Police Department, East Providence Police Department, Newport Police Department, Pawtucket Police Department, Providence Police Department, Warwick Police Department, Woonsocket Police Department.

Rhode Island Town Policing Departments

Several town law enforcement agencies are working in Rhode Island State. Some of these include Barrington Police Department, Bristol Police Department, Coventry Police Department, Cumberland Police Department, East Greenwich Police Department, Foster Police Department, Glocester Police Department, Hopkinton Police Department, Johnston Police Department, Little Compton Police Department, Middletown Police Department, Narragansett Police Department, North Providence Police Department, Portsmouth Police Department, Smithfield Police Department, South Kingstown Police Department, Tiverton Police Department, Warren Police Department, West Greenwich Police,  Department, Westerly Police Department.

Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies In Rhode Island State

Narragansett Indian Tribal Police, Office of the United States Marshal for the District of Rhode Island, Rhode Island Airport Police Department, Department of Defense Police.

Back the Blue Serving in Rhode Island

Men and women officers in blue serve and protect the citizens without expecting any big rewards in return. These brave men and women deserve our maximum support to reduce the crime rate and preserve peace in local communities. It is a popular trend among police supporters to wear thin blue line accessories, such as police rings, wrist bands, and apparel, to show respect and appreciation to the officers. It is also a popular trend to give, receive, and carry police challenge coins. The reason behind why this trend is popular is because police challenge coins are exclusively designed to show commemorate the services offered by the troopers. These challenge coins are also used to mark an important date or event in law enforcement. If you want to back the blue, you can carry police challenge coins or give them as gifts to the state trooper and county sheriffs in Rhode Island.

Get Rhode Island Police Challenge Coins & Other Collectibles

At Police Brand, we specialize in crafting unique and attention-grabbing police challenge coins and other trooper support collectibles that our customers want to have. Our police support collections include customized badges, trooper challenge coins, police rings, police support stickers, etc. Click here to see our amazing collections.


Challenge coinsPolice challenge coinsPolice coinsPolice ringsPolice stickersRhode island police challenge coins

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