Custom challenge coins: The size factor
What is the right size for a custom challenge coin?

You will need to select the right size for your custom challenge coin, depending on your precise needs and possible use cases. But is there a general right size for custom challenge coins? Literally, no. However, to achieve the maximum effectiveness of your coins, you must make several considerations. Below, we discuss some of the ways you can use to create a custom challenge coin with a perfect size.

Who uses your challenge coins, and how?

Before and during the challenge coin design process, you will need to understand the kind of people who will be using the proposed challenge coin. Different groups of people will value different sizes. Ask yourself if you need the receivers to be able to carry it around or you are designing the coin for interior decoration.

There is also a need to identify the various ways people will be interacting with your coins. This can be achieved through brainstorming or engaging a section of possible challenge coin receivers in the design process. Knowing the users and the possible use cases in advance will help determine what size best fits their daily activities. For instance, younger people may want smaller challenge coins that closely resemble medallions.

The shape impacts the size

Have you already decided on the shape of the challenge coins? Well, you must know that the shape influences the size directly. While there is no limit in the shape of a challenge coin, you should choose one that goes well with the receivers. In addition to this, you may also want to consider the symbols the challenge coin will carry. Yes, you want to give your customers a certain message that fits well in the challenge coin. So what are the best challenge coin shapes? Rounded challenge coins are the most widely used for their ease of accommodating signs. However, you do not have to follow what others are doing. Get creative but fit all important details on the coin. Do not forget that the shape sometimes becomes the message.

The available budget

The size of your challenge coin may affect the cost either directly or indirectly. Therefore, you should consult with expert coin designers for advice on the most suitable shape and size of a challenge coin. But you should already know that a complicated design coupled with a custom shape will cost you slightly more than you would have to pay for generic designs.

Getting the perfect size

In general, the widest part of a challenge coin, regardless of the shape, should be 3 inches and below. Pocket fitting challenge coins are usually round and with a diameter in the range of 0.8 inches to 2 inches. On the other hand, challenge coins designed for display purposes usually take on 2 to 3 inches in diameter. Above this range, a sticker is more recommended and may even work better than a challenge coin.

Each of the above factors will play a role in deciding what size best fits your custom challenge coin. Additionally, more factors will become clear if you consult a professional designer/manufacturer. You may want to visit our store to view the various challenge coins and other police memorabilia available for sale.

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