South Dakota State Police Challenge Coins – Honoring South Dakota Police Officers

South Dakota is a constituent in the United States. It resides in the mid-western region of the United States.  South Dakota entered the United States union on November 2, 1889, as the 40th state. It is ranked as the 17th largest state in terms of area, with the total land area of 77,183.8 square miles and ranked  5th as the least populated state with a total population of 884,659 according to the recent 2019 estimates. South Dakota recognized as the 5th lowest densely populated state in the United States. Pierre city is the capital city, and Sioux Falls city is known as the largest city of the South Dakota State. South Dakota State has an official nickname "The Mount Rushmore State." The motto of the South Dakota State is "Under God the People Rule." The major economic industries of South Dakota have included agriculture, tourism, transportation, mining and power, natural resources, forestry, fishing, services and labor, manufacturing, finance, food processing, casino gaming, cyber-security services, livestock, dairy products, bioscience,  retail, banking, health care services.

Fun Facts about South Dakota State

Here are some unique facts about South Dakota State.

  • An American sculptor Gutzon Borglum sculpted the faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln onto Mount Rushmore in Keystone, South Dakota.
  • Lemmon is the largest Petrified Wood Park in the world, which is located in South Dakota.
  • Famous American television journalist and author Tom Brokaw were born, raised and educated in South Dakota State.
  • Clark city is known as the potato capital of South Dakota. Clark city is home to the globally famous Mashed Potato Wrestling contest.
  • Almost 23 to 35 million years old world's richest Oligocene epoch fossil beds are found in Badlands National Park, South Dakota.
  • Sturgis city in South Dakota hosted the world's famous Sturgis Motorcycle Rally every year.
  • The Pioneer Auto Museum is an automotive museum with more than 300 unique and rare vintage automobiles. It is a famous attraction in Murdo city, South Dakota.
  • The only corn made palace in the world is situated in Mitchell, South Dakota.
  • It is unlawful to shoot an animal from the plane in South Dakota.
  • Jewel cave in South Dakota is recognized as the 3rd longest cave in the world.
  • South Dakota is a leading state in the United States in the production of honey.
  • Badlands National Park in South Dakota is known as "the playground of dinosaurs".

South Dakota police challenge coins

South Dakota Law Enforcement Role in Public Safety

South Dakota peace enforcement departments play a significant role in preserving peace across the state for the citizens. These departments collaborate, and local communities to ensure the public is getting the maximum protection. The peace enforcement departments, such as County Sheriff offices, police departments, and other agencies, get full support from local communities. The sworn and civilian officers are awarded medals, such as police challenge coins for their outstanding performance and dedication to public service.

South Dakota law enforcement agencies

The US Bureau of Justice Statistics recorded that there are one hundred and fifty-five (155) law enforcement agencies are working in South Dakota State. These law enforcement agencies are working with almost 1,636 well-trained dedicated police officers.

South Dakota State Peace Enforcement Agencies

Various state law enforcement agencies are serving in South Dakota State. Some of the most important include South Dakota Highway Patrol, South Dakota Department of Corrections, South Dakota Department of Public Safety, South Dakota Board of Regents, South Dakota Highway Patrol, South Dakota Department of Revenue & Regulation, South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation, South Dakota State Brand Board.

South Dakota County Law Sheriff's Offices

There are many county law enforcement agencies are operating in South Dakota State. Some notable ones include Aurora County Sheriff's Office, Beadle County Sheriff's Office, Buffalo County Sheriff's Office, Clark County Sheriff's Office, Deuel County Sheriff's Office, Faulk County Sheriff's Office, Grant County Sheriff's Office, Hutchinson County Sheriff's Office, Jones County Sheriff's Office, Lyman County Sheriff's Office, Minnehaha County Sheriff's Office, Moody County Sheriff's Office, Pennington County Sheriff's Office, Yankton County Sheriff's Office, etc.

South Dakota City Police Departments

Numerous city law enforcement agencies are holding the charge to maintain law enforcement conditions in the state of South Dakota. Some of the most remarkable include Avon Police Department, Belle Fourche Police, Burke Police Department, Canton Police Department, Deadwood Police Department, Eureka, Police Department, Freeman Police Department, Hot Springs Police Department, Lemmon Police Department, Murdo Police Department, North Sioux City Police Department, Platte Police Department, Rapid City Police, Sioux Falls Police Department, Sturgis Police Department, Yankton Police Department, etc.

Back the Blue in South Dakota

If you are a South Dakotan, don't hesitate to show your maximum support to the police force's good deeds and actions in the state. There are various effective ways to show your support. For example, you can invest in products that back the blue, such as police rings, customized thin blue line apparel, police support stickers, and flags. Some supporters like to collect police challenge coins to capture the important events and dates of the history into something sophisticated and well-regarded, such as a challenge coin.

Collectible South Dakota Police Support Accessories

You do not have to wait until the next 4th of July to express your gratitude and respect for the peace forces in South Dakota. There are numerous types of support accessories that you can choose from, such as police rings, police support stickers, and flags. Collectible police challenge coins are also quite popular among the trooper supporters. The challenge coins are light-in-weight and make a unique addition to a police memorabilia collection.

Get Your Police Challenge Coin & Support Accessories

Police Brand offers a wide variety of police support accessories and challenge coins. Our bestselling collections include police support stickers, rings, customized badge, wall decals, and others. Are you ready to grab your law enforcement support collectible? Click here to buy one!

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