Louisiana State Police Challenge Coins – Honoring Louisiana Police Officers

Louisiana is a state located in the Deep Southern region of the United States, ranking 25th most populous and 19th smallest by land area in the country. Louisiana has a fascinating cultural history with its multicultural and multilingual heritage. The state ranks high in poverty measures while ranking low in terms of education, development, and health. In 2018, Louisiana acquired the status of being the least healthy state in the United States, with the highest homicide rate in the country. These conditions make it difficult for Louisiana law enforcement agencies to maintain peace and ensure public safety.

Fun Facts About Louisiana State

Here are some fun facts about Louisiana state:

  • Louisiana is home to the world-famous ancient custom of “Mardi Gras,” which is celebrated every year in New Orleans.
  • Louis got its name from King Louis XIV. The state was named after the King in honor of the King.
  • Baton Rouge hosted Special Olympics International Summer Games (1983) at LSU.
  • The state is home to the tallest state capitol building in the country, 450 feet tall, and has 34 floors.
  • It is the only state in the Union without counties. The political subdivisions in the state are called parishes.
  • The state is home to the “Crawfish Capital of the World” (Breaux Bridge). 
  • Louisiana has two million alligators in the wild, and another 300,000 alligators on the farms, making it the state with the highest alligator population.

police challenge coins, police collectibles

Louisiana’ Law Enforcement Role in Public Safety

Louisiana’s law enforcement agencies have gone through several reforms and changes, such as the Highway Commission was formed in 1922, and later more departments were added to the commission. The role of law enforcement agencies has been critical in Louisiana due to the high criminal activity across the state. Law enforcement agencies are working tirelessly to curb criminal activities and ensure public safety. Louisiana law enforcement agencies give special awards and issue Louisiana police challenge coins to recognize the critical role of law enforcement officers. Many civilian communities also organize special events and issue special Louisiana law enforcement challenge coins to highlight the significant work performed by the uniformed and civilian officers.

Louisiana Law Enforcement Agencies

Three hundred forty-eight law enforcement agencies are serving across the state of Louisiana with different power and authority. Still, all of these have the same goal: to make Louisiana a safer place for its citizens. There are 18,050 sworn uniformed and civilian law enforcement officers serving across the state.

Louisiana State Law Enforcement Agencies

Louisiana has several state law enforcement departments, such as Louisiana State Police, Louisiana Department of Public Safety & Corrections, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, and many others.

Louisiana Department of Public Safety & Corrections (DPS&C)

It is a state department with jurisdiction across the state of Louisiana. DPS&C is headquartered in Baton Rouge and consists of two major branches: Public Safety and Corrections Services. The department is further divided into three major units: Office of Juvenile Justice, Corrections Services, and Public Safety Services. The DPS&C reports directly to the Governor of Louisiana. Since its establishment, seven officers have been killed in the line of duty. DPS&C issued police challenge coins and other awards to the fallen officers and their families to remember their work.

Levee District Police

It is another state law enforcement department serving in Louisiana. The Levee police department’s officers serving under the State’s classified service and commissioned as peace officers by the DPS&C, Office of State Police. The police officers have statewide jurisdiction to arrest and investigate the suspicious personnel. This department is well-respected for its significant contributions to the homeland security effort.

Louisiana State Police (LSP)

The LSP is another state police department with jurisdiction across the state. It is headquartered in Baton Rouge and operates under the authority of the Louisiana DPS&C. The LSP is unique because it has several sub-divisions that specialize in addressing specific criminal activities and security needs. The special units include the Bomb Squad, Air Support Unit, SWAT team, and others. Since it’s inception, the LSP has lost 28 state troopers in the line of duty.

Louisiana Parish Law Enforcement Agencies

Since the local divisions are called Parish, there are no county law enforcement agencies. However, many parish law enforcement agencies are serving in Louisiana. A few of the most notable Parish law enforcement departments include Iberia Parish Sheriff’s Office, Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office, Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office, St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s Office and many others.

Louisiana City/Municipal Law Enforcement Agencies

Several City/Municipal law enforcement agencies are serving in Louisiana. Some of the most prominent ones include Gramercy Police Department, North Hodge Police Department, Baton Rouge Police Department, Livonia Police Department, Lafayette City Marshal, Morganza Police Department, New Orleans Police Department, and many others.

Baton Rouge Police Department (BPRD): This police department was formally formed in 1865, and it is a primary law enforcement agency in Baton Rogue. The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) accredits the department. The BPRD has four divisions: The uniform Patrol Bureau, Criminal Investigation Bureau, Administration Bureau, and Operation Services Bureau.

New Orleans Police Department (NOPD): It is the primary law enforcement agency in the city of New Orleans. The NOPD was formed in 1796. It consists of several police units, including Uniform Patrol, District Investigative Unit-Property Crimes, Task Force and Quality of Life, and others. 

Supporting the Louisiana Law Enforcement Agency

These police officers face dangerous situations to ensure the citizens are safe and their properties are secure. They deserve our continued support and cooperation to curb the crime rate. The police departments in Louisiana use their full power to preserve order and maintain the peace, ensuring the public is safe and secure. It is a widespread tradition in law enforcement to issue police challenge coins to the brave service members. In some cases, these police coins are also issued to the family of the fallen police officers in honor of the fallen officers. Some law enforcement agencies also issue law enforcement challenge coins to the civilians in exchange of donation that goes to the well-fare and support of the police officers.

Customized Louisiana State Police Challenge Coins

The star that is found on the most police badges in the United States is the symbol of law enforcement authority in the country to curb the crime and preserve the peace. It is a famous symbol that is also etched on most police challenge coins. You can customize police challenge coins with the star used in the law enforcement badges and logos. The beauty of customized challenge coins is that you can also customize them with your name, badge number, or favorite quote. It is widespread among coin collectors to customize their challenge coin with the name of their ideal police unit or department.

It is also widespread to get challenge coins customized with a prayer etched on them. These challenge coins can be used as a gift for a friend or a family member who serves in law enforcement. The police coins with a prayer etched on them convey that you love your friend or trooper and pray for his/her safety while he/she is doing the dangerous duty.

Louisiana State Collectible Police Challenge Coins

Louisiana collectible challenge coins are a perfect collectible item for those who love to collect challenge coins. It is easy to get a collectible police coin since they are readily available. Civilians don’t require any special permission to get police challenge coins since they are made to collect. Collectible police coins are very popular among police officers since they tell a unique story. If you are looking for a way to make an event or a law enforcement service memory to live or to be remembered forever, a collectible or a customized police challenge is a perfect option. Challenge coins memorabilia are available for different Louisiana law enforcement agencies. These include Baton Rouge Police Department challenge coins, Louisiana police challenge coins, Levee police department challenge coins, and many others.

Get Louisiana Police Challenge Coins

If you have decided to buy Louisiana police challenge coins, it is essential to do your research before making a purchase. First, think about the reason why you want to have a law enforcement challenge coin. If it is for your memorabilia collection, you might want to choose a challenge coin with a unique design. If you are looking for a police challenge coin that you can give to your friend or a police officer, a customized police challenge coin will be a good option. Second, choose a reliable place to shop for Louisiana police coins, such as Police Brand.

At Police Brand, we take pride in manufacturing only the best Louisiana police collectibles, including eye-catching challenge coins. Our challenge coin collection includes police stickers, wooden thin blue line badges, customized badges, challenge coins, and apparel.

Are You Interested to Get A Police Challenge Coin? Click Here to See Our Collection.

Challenge coinsLaw enforcement coinsLouisiana police challenge coinsPolice challenge coinPolice challenge coinsPolice coinPolice collectiblesPolice stickerPolice stickers

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