In the corporate world, challenge coins are becoming a popular way of life. Small enterprises, as well as established corporates, are rushing to mint custom challenge coins for their employees and clients. However, the use cases of challenge coins in a corporate setting are quite limited. To help the situations, below are 4 thoughtful ways that corporate and departmental heads can use custom challenge coins besides identity promotion.

 How to use Custom Challenge Coins at the Workplace

#1. Custom challenge coins for motivation

Custom challenge coins are growing in popularity every single day. They are an excellent way for an organization or department to show appreciation to its members and/workers. Also, challenge coins present a method for organizations to create and reinforce brand identity. In history, challenge coins have been used as proof of identity, recognition of exceptional performance, a sign of honor, indication of training completion, and service commemoration, among other things. Corporates and departments can get custom challenge coins and attach value to them such that every worker is determined to earn the coin. For instance, an organization can have several unique challenge coins, each of which has attached value; one coin may give whoever deserves it an unconditional paid leave or, say, a sponsored vacation to a distant land. This way, employees will work towards fulfilling the set rules and achieving the required goals.


#2. Recognition of effort

While promotion and salary raise are the most popular ways of using custom challenge coins for recognizing efforts in an organizational setting, they do not occur every year-round, and some members may still feel left out when they do. An alternative way to recognize the efforts of employees would be the use of challenge coins. The advantage of challenge coins over some other methods is that coins are only issued once and will not affect the payroll budget every month. This is especially beneficial for young companies seeking to keep operational costs low. Also, challenge coins can complement promotion and salary raise as a means of rewarding hardworking employees. The best part is that even though challenge coins can be issued at an annual gathering, they don't have to wait that long. Challenge coins can be issued any time without spending on a corporate dinner or the likes. Minor achievements can also be rewarded through an organizational challenge coin scheme.


#3. Corporate games

People love to have fun and it would be impactful if, as an organization, you can design a thoughtful game where the winners take home valuable challenge coins. Corporate games work best when different related teams compete against each other as opposed to personal level competitions. Fun and games are one of the ancient ways of developing lasting relationships between people. In a corporate setting, games bring together members from all ranks and departments. In so doing, they improve interactions among employees, thereby creating a lively working environment for everyone. They also break the tension between departments and ranks and ultimately propel organizations towards achieving set milestones and objectives.


#4. Gratitude and Retirement

How do you thank a person who dedicated their life to your organization? A retirement or send off package is not always enough if it does not include a custom challenge coin with your corporate logo on it. Adding a custom coin to the package is one sign that you appreciate the work of individual retirees. The retirement coin may also have attached benefits like other corporate challenge coins.

While this is a short list of the many creative ways that challenge coins can be used in organizations, it is an excellent way for corporate heads and departmental leaders to get started with custom challenge coins. As mentioned in the article, corporate challenge coins can have attached value and a well-laid process of acquiring them. When you decide to have corporate challenge coins, you must craft rules and frameworks followed in issuing them to employees, especially if they have attached value. This is to minimize fraudulent acquisition and exchange of challenge coins, which may lead to unjustifiable expenditure. Good luck as you implement these and other creative ways in your department or organization.

Challenge coinsCorporate challenge coinsUsing corporate challenge coins

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