New Hampshire State Police Challenge Coins – Honoring New Hampshire Police Officers

New Hampshire State is situated in the region of New England, the top Northeastern corner of the United States. New Hampshire was the first State of the British North American Colonies, that affirmed its independence against the British rule in June 1776. It is the 5th of the smallest State in terms of area and ranking the 10th least populated State in the United States. Concord is the capital city of the New Hampshire, while Manchester is the largest city of the state. New Hampshire is also called "The Granite State" because of its granite mining history. Granite is the official rock of the New Hampshire State. New Hampshire State's motto is "Live free or die." The major industries of the New Hampshire are tourism, technology, machinery, and electronic goods, health care, services, dairy products, agriculture, and rock quarries, mainly granite.

Fun Facts about New Hampshire State

Here are some interesting facts about New Hampshire State:

  • First American space traveler Alan Bartlett Shepard Jr. was born in New Hampshire State.
  • Mount Washington in New Hampshire State is one of the windiest places on the earth planet with approximately 231 miles per hour high winds.
  • The famous Adventure and Fantasy Movie "Jumanji" was filmed in Keene, a city of New Hampshire State.
  • New Hampshire is the second most forests-consisting State in the United States.
  • The German-American Inventor "Father of the video games" Ralph Henry Baer lived and died in Manchester, New Hampshire.
  • New Hampshire is the birth place of Franklin Pierce, who was the 14th President of the United States.
  • A Bridge in New Hampshire State, The Cornish-Windsor Bridge, is known as the world's longest wooden covered and the longest two-span covered bridge.
  • New Hampshire is also the only State in the United States where Ski Jumping has included in High School Sports. American Ski Racer "Bode Miller" was born in New Hampshire, and he won six Olympics Medals.
  • Wearing seat belts when driving four vehicles and wearing a helmet while riding a bike is not in New Hampshire State law.
  • New Hampshire State is recognized as one of the Wealthiest State And has the least poverty rate in the United States.

New Hampshire Police Challenge Coins

New Hampshire Law Enforcement Role in Public Safety

The role of New Hampshire law enforcement agencies in maintaining peace across the State cannot be overstated. These agencies strive to ensure public safety with the best police officers with high moral and advanced equipment. New Hampshire police agencies also actively participate in community building programs, such as raising awareness about the dangers of alcohol among young people, vehicle and driving safety, etc. To recognize the high achievements of the law enforcement officers, different police agencies issue police challenge coins and several other awards. These awards and honors are necessary to ensure that the police officers receive the support and respect they deserve for their effort to maintain peace across the State.

New Hampshire Law Enforcement Agencies

The US Bureau of Justice Statistics published that there are two hundred and eight (208) authorized law enforcement agencies active in New Hampshire State to ensure public safety and constitutional rights peace of the citizens. Almost 2,936 dedicated officers are fulfilling their responsibilities in these agencies.

New Hampshire State Law Enforcement Agencies

Various state law enforcement agencies are protecting the citizens in New Hampshire State. Some of the best agencies include the New Hampshire Division of State Police, the New Hampshire Department of Safety, the New Hampshire Marine Patrol and the New Hampshire Department of Corrections.

New Hampshire County Law Enforcement Agencies

Several good county law enforcement agencies are serving different counties in New Hampshire State.  Some of the most notable agencies include Cheshire County Sheriff's Department, Merrimack County Sheriff's Office, and Rockingham County Sheriff's Office.

New Hampshire Municipal Law Enforcement Agencies

Several municipal law enforcement agencies are working in New Hampshire municipalities. Some of the most popular ones are the Alton Police Department, the Concord Police Department, the Keene Police Department, the New Hampton Police Department, etc.

Supporting New Hampshire Law Enforcement Agencies

Law enforcement agencies and officers deserve our continuous support for the hard work they do. These officers ensure public safety and implementation of laws and regulations defined by the legal authorities of New Hampshire. To show our support to these heroes in blue, police challenge coins can be used. Some people also use police support stickers on their cars and other places. It is considered an honor to carry and give away police challenge coins. Many law enforcement agencies give out these challenge coins to civilians to raise funds for the police departments.

Customized New Hampshire Police Challenge Coins

Use customized police challenge coins to make your police friend feel special or to enhance the beauty of your challenge coin collection. The customized coins can be personalized with a favorite quote, a prayer for police safety, an important date or image, and so on. There are some other police collectibles that you can customize, such as police stickers, but it is advised to check the local laws before doing so. The process of getting customized police challenge coins is easy and hassle-free. All you need to do is select a design or details that you want on the challenge coin and send them to the police coin manufacturer.

Collectible New Hampshire Police Challenge Coins

Several police collectibles are popular among police officers and their supports, including the collectible police challenge coins. These collectible coins can be used as personal gifts that you can give to a police friend or a family member who supports law enforcement. Each collectible police coin has a unique story attached to it, so make sure to select a collectible challenge coin wisely. 

Get New Hampshire Police Challenge Coins

Police Brand has a wide variety of outstanding police challenge coins and other collectibles, such as wooden badges, wrist bands, t-shirts, and customized collectibles. Do you want to buy one? Click here to check out our police collectible collection.

Challenge coinsLaw enfircement coinsNew hampshire police challenge coinsPolice challenge coinsPolice coins

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