Are There Different Types Of Veteran Flags?

Military and service flags are flown to honor those in the military, veterans and prisoners of war. There are many types of flags for each group, some more common than others. The American family has always proudly displayed flags representing their loved ones' military branches. 

Many families pass them down through generations, serving as reminders of the sacrifices made for the greatest country on earth. Blood has been shed for each military flag to earn its place in history. Because they represent American heroes, we treat them with respect and dignity. This article will explain each type of flag and how to fly it correctly.

Types Of Flags

There are three main types of veteran flags:

  1.  Military
  2. Service
  3. Navy Flag

These flags can be displayed at home or in a business, but they're not the same as military flags.

Military Flags

A military flag is used by any branch of the U.S., Canadian, and British Armed Forces, including the Coast Guard, National Guard, Reserves, and retired members of these services. The colors on a military flag represent rank within that branch and symbolize what branch is represented (i.e., Army green represents infantry). 

A gold star indicates that a soldier was killed in battle during his or her service period; gold stripes indicate multiple awards for bravery or other heroism (like earning three Purple Hearts). When flown on bases, military flags must be hoisted to their proper position during morning colors ceremonies and lowered at sunset every day unless there's an official ceremony taking place after dark; they must also always face east unless prevailing winds dictate otherwise.

Veteran flags

Veteran flags are for veterans of all wars. Veteran flags are for veterans of the United States Armed Forces. Veteran flags are for veterans of the military, and they include but aren't limited to:

  • World War II (1941-1945)
  • The Korean War (1950-1953)
  • Vietnam War (1965-1973)

The five branches are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard.

Navy Flag

The last type of veteran flag is called the Navy flag or Star Spangled Banner, which features red and white stripes like Old Glory but also has a blue rectangle in the upper left-hand corner with 13 white stars on it.

The United States Navy flag is a special type that honors veterans who have served in the United States Navy. It has navy blue stripes and white stars, and it sometimes also has gold fringe. The navy flag is usually flown by ships at sea, but sometimes it is flown by other ships.

Flags For Specific Branches

  • Army
  • Air Force
  • Marine Corps
  • Navy
  • Coast Guard
  • National Guard, Reserve and Auxiliary (Air/Army/Marine)

American Legion

In 1919, the American Legion was founded as a veterans organization. The group has 3.2 million members and is the largest veterans' service organization in the world.

The American Legion works on behalf of veterans and their families, providing support for those who have served in the military and promoting patriotism and honor.

Prisoner Of War Flag

If you've already read the article about the POW-MIA flag, then you know that it is a symbol of the missing in action. It means hope, freedom, sacrifice and honor. The POW-MIA flag was created in 1970 by Mary Edwards Walker as an alternative to the standard U.S. flag. Its purpose is to help prisoners of war and those missing in action—to symbolize unity among them all.

Different Types Of Veteran Flags That Have Different Meanings.

Yes, there are many types of veteran flags that have different meanings. One of the most common is the POW/MIA flag, which represents prisoners of war and soldiers missing in action. It has a place of honor in ceremonies involving veterans from all wars, especially Vietnam.

Another type of veteran flag symbolizes service members who were killed during combat operations or died as a result of wounds sustained while serving their country. These include Purple Heart recipients (those wounded by an enemy) and Gold Star Mothers (those who had sons or daughters killed in action).

Other flags recognize those who served their country for more than one tour. The five-year gold star family flag was created to recognize families with relatives serving overseas for five years without any breaks; the three-year blue star mother is also used on occasion at military functions when mothers wish to show pride in having sons or daughters deployed overseas long periods. Finally, there's also a red ribbon banner for veterans with service-related disabilities who cannot get out much due to health reasons."

Variety Of Military, Veteran, And POW-MIA Flags

There are a variety of American flags that honor our military veterans.

The first type of flag is the American flag, which consists of 13 red and white stripes with 50 stars representing each state. These flags have been used since the Revolutionary War and are flown on holidays like Memorial Day and Independence Day.

The second type of flag is a service flag, also known as a Blue Star Banner or Gold Star Banner. These flags were created in 1917 by an Army Captain as a way for families to show support for their sons serving in World War I. Families would put one blue star on their service banner if their son was alive; two blue stars if they were wounded; three blue stars if they were killed; or one gold star if they died in combat. Service banners are still used today when family members want to show support for active duty military members deployed overseas.


In conclusion, there are many types of flags for veterans. These include the POW-MIA flag, the American Legion, and other military service flags. The most common type of veteran and POW-MIA flag is the one that features a blue background with white stars on it, but there are some other designs out there too! Whenever you see an American flag proudly fluttering in the wind, remember what those beautiful flags stand for. No matter where you are, you can fly the flags made by our great armed forces.

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