5 Thoughtful Design Tips for Custom Challenge Coins

Custom challenge coins are here to stay. Besides, their uptake in the corporate world is surprisingly improving with big names rushing to promote their brands using custom made challenge coins. Law enforcement units have not been left behind, and new coins are being released every day. However, for small businesses, the design process may be a challenge, and that is what we are seeking to address using five thoughtful design tips. Do you want a custom challenge coin for your department or entity? Read on to find out how you can get the best design.


#1. Put your logo in it

There is no better way to promote your organization than to use your logo. Simple and complicated logos can be engraved in your challenge coin to give it a personal touch while helping the receivers identify with your brand. And did you know that a challenge coin can be made into any shape? That's right. Your custom challenge coins can take the form of your logo as well.


#2. Choose a unique metal style and the right finishing

A metal style is an essential feature of your challenge coin. You, therefore, need to put the time to decide the most befitting style for coins. The metal you choose is sometimes the primary determinant of the quality of the finished product in the same way the foundation of a house determines how far it can get.

You can choose between hard enamel, soft enamel, and die struck metals, all of which will impact the look and feel of your challenge coins. The soft enamel metal material, for instance, results in textures surfaces while hard enamel metal produces a smooth surface. It is also upon you to decide the right finishing for your coins, depending on your organization's culture and values.


#3. Let the colors speak

Modern organizations identify with colors and logos besides other essential features like the name, vision, and mission statement. Therefore, it is useful to have your organizational colors painted on the front face of challenge coins. You should arrive at a balance of color and other features and ensure your challenge coins represent you and what you do. However, sometimes you will be creating challenge coins for particular promotion efforts that cannot match your brand identity. In such a case, the metal style option can allow you to push your identity using logo-shaped challenge coins.


#4. Know the possible receivers before designing

An effective challenge coin campaign has a target audience that is known before the coins are fully designed. This allows you to customize any messages engraved in the challenge coin to rhyme with every user’s needs or preferences. While your primary intention is to get your name out there, it would be useful to add utility to the coins and ensure that people can gladly pass the coin to their friends or hold on to the coin for longer while enjoying the utility. This brings up the idea of multi-purpose challenge coins that can hook customers to your brand when carefully implemented.


#5. Consult

While you can make critical decisions about your business yourself, it is important to talk to experts on some technical issues. With challenge coins, some experts can fine-tune your challenge coin idea giving you an appealing out that both you and your clients will be proud of. If you ever get stuck with challenge coins design, you can reach out to us at Police Brand, and we will always be ready and willing to assist you. Besides, we already have various challenge coins listed in our store alongside other police memorabilia.

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