Where can you buy the Thin Blue Line Flag, and what does the police flag mean?

Where is the Thin Blue Line Flag Sold?

Well, to start, if you are here to buy a Thin Blue Line Flag, you are at the right place. We sell the Thin Blue Line Flag, Back the Blue Flag, and many variations of these police flags. You can buy the Thin Blue Line Flag by clicking here: Thin Blue Line Flag for sale

If you want to see all of our unique variations of these flags, please click here: Unique Police Flags

You will not find most of the police flags we sell anywhere else. Our law enforcement flag designs are some of the most unique designs sold anywhere. So please take a second to congratulate yourself on finding such cool police flags; you deserve it!

Now that you know where to buy the Thin Blue Line Police Flag and have been made aware of the other police flag variations we sell, please read below to learn a bit about the history of these police flags


Thin Blue Line Flags


What does the Thin Blue Line Flag Mean?

A question posed by police officers and non-police officers alike is what does the thin blue line flag represent? To understand what the Thin Blue Line Flag means, first, you will need to know the origins of the thin blue line.

The term "Thin Blue Line" originated in the 1900s when The United States Army marched into a battle wearing blue uniforms. Together, the soldiers formed a blue line, beginning the legacy we know today as The Thin Blue Line. They were called the Thin Blue Line because it represented their willingness to stand between the enemy and the people they were protecting.

Since then, the term has been given to police officers, as their blue uniform represents a thin blue line between the American public and the evil that wishes to do them harm. As Ronald Reagan stated, "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." Luckily for us, there is a blue line of police officers willing to stand up to evil. These officers risk their lives daily upon the streets of America.




Why is there a Thin Blue Line Flag?

The Thin Blue Line Flag, Back the Blue Flag, and other Police Flags were made to give people a way to show their support for law enforcement.
Just as the American flag celebrates the American people and the country's sacrifices for self-reliance, the Thin Blue Line Flag celebrates police officers and their sacrifice in keeping the public safe.


Back the Blue Flag Gadsden Image Now I Really Want to buy a Police Flag to show my support!

If you made it this far, you must really support the police and want to buy a Thin Blue Line Flag or Police Flag. We got you covered; click here to buy one: Back The Blue Flags

Remember, if you already have a flag, we have a lot of different police flag variations, and we sell a ton of different police collectibles! Thank you for visiting Police Brand Memorabilia and Collectibles!

Back the blue flagPolice flagPolice officer flagThin blue line flag

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