Challenge Coins: Display and Handle with Etiquette

While many people do not have trouble buying challenge coins, many of them have a problem with the storage/display. Maybe this is because there are not as many storage case designs as the coins. But no. We live in a generation where everything is possible, including making your own custom challenge coins cases. And why would you need a case or a rack while you can collect them in a glass? If this is the kind of mindset you have, we would advise you to return the coins you have, each to whoever awarded.

That is a bit blunt though, isn’t it? Well, the simple message is that there are better ways to store and display challenge coins. You would only use the shoddy method above if you didn’t know the value of the challenge coins or else you didn’t earn them. Assuming that is not the case, there are elegant designs for glass doors and wooden coin cabinets in the market. You can also buy a wooden rack specially designed to keep your coins intact. Displaying challenge coins in professionally made coin cabinets and racks is an indication that you truly value and have a reason to cherish them. Displaying challenge coins does not end with the coin cabinet in your house. This brings us to the question of how you should handle a challenge coin.

To start with, how should challenge coins be issued, and who has the permission to issue challenge coins? From the traditional military practice where challenge coins were born, a junior officer cannot issue a challenge coin to his seniors. Issuance is only practiced by military heads and sometimes departmental heads. In the modern-day, when coins are widespread in the civilian world, it isn't easy to control who has what coin or even know how they obtained them.


Do you know the rules?

Rules and regulations govern the use of challenge coins. For example, every coin issuer is supposed to explain the rules/guidance on the circumstances under which the coins may be used. Even though rules are not strict, at least they bring uniformity to the field. Some other regulations and recommendations are described below.

  1. You should not hand over coins during a coin check. This is prohibited since it amounts to surrendering your coin to whoever receives it. If you are part of a coin check challenge, you should hold the coin in your palm or high in the air instead.
  2. Carry your coin with you

Peers may decide to conduct an impromptu coin check. If they do, and unluckily you left your coin behind/ lost it, you may have to buy drinks or accord your partners a treatment of the sort.

  1. Do not take challenge coins for jewelry

It would be a mistake to drill holes through challenge coins. In the same manner, it is unacceptable to put challenge coins on necklaces or bracelets.


To be honest, designs and use cases for challenge coins have really changed over the years. One notable point is that corporates are using challenge coins for internal affairs like motivation, promotion, advertisement, and effort recognition. With the unique use cases comes the need for a different set of rules. All in all, the first and last rules of challenge coins in any setting should be etiquette based on rules and logic to ensure their value is not eroded.


Police Brand is a company providing quality challenge coin solutions to individuals, departments, and organizations in the United States. Visit our store now to see the challenge coins and other police collectibles available for sale.

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